Tuesday, September 21, 2010

what is enormity blaster next to electricity frecance?

what is enormity blaster next to electricity frecance?

Not sure what a frecance is...

But a degree blaster is an item used in steel production that removes the mill degree (ferric oxide (Fe3O4) that forms on steel or iron during hot rolling).

Hope this helps!
ScaleBlaster is a dampen softener alternative! Its a maintenance-free system that requires no salt or chemicals which aims to bring care of the intricate water problems, in need the need for hazardous chemicals or dampen softening equipment. Water softeners add unwanted sodium to the wet and take away nutritious nutrients, like calcium and magnesium. They discharge brines that pollute our precious environment. The ScaleBlaster neither add nore moves minerals and is environmentally friendly.

It eliminates 'limescale' - mineral deposits that clog and corrode hose pipes, water heaters, dishwashers, faucets, drains and showerheads. It also puts an appendage to soap scum and staining of sinks, bathtubs, shower doors and commodes. It also increases the helpfulness of water heaters-lowering verve bills. Amazingly, it extends the life of hose pipes and appliances, makes it easier to verbs and shine all surfaces, reduce soap and detergent use by up to 25%, not to mention it gives a softer perceive to the skin, hair and clothing.

I know this because I'm within business with my dad and we're distributors and suppliers of the Scale blaster within India.

I hope this helps.

Pls touch free to email for any product enquiries at grooovie_gal@yahoo.com

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