Friday, September 17, 2010

What is notes flow systems ?

In computer architecture,

1.what is information flow systems ?

2.give some properties and applications almost data flow systems ?

What is notes flow systems ?

External Entities/Terminators

are outside of the system one modelled. Terminators represent where information comes from and where on earth it goes. In designing a system, we enjoy no idea in the region of what these terminators do or how they do it.


modify the inputs in the process of generate the outputs

Data Stores

represent a place in the process where on earth data comes to rest. A DFD does not articulate anything about the relative timing of the processes, so a information store might be a place to accumulate notes over a year for the annual accounting process.

Data Flows

are how data moves between terminators, processes, and facts stores (those that cross the system boundary are known as IO or Input Output Descriptions).

Every page within a DFD should contain fewer than 10 components. If a process have more than 10 components, then one or more components (typically a process) should be combined into one and another DFD be generate that describes that component in more detail. Each component should be numbered, as should respectively subcomponent, and so on. So for example, a top level DFD would hold components 1 2 3 4 5, the subcomponent DFD of component 3 would have components 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4; and the subsubcomponent DFD of component 3.2 would own components 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.3. DFD can use to in presenting project.

[edit] Data store

A notes store symbolizes permanent information that is to say used by the system and must therefore be stored if the system is to function properly (i.e. Information held within a database)

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