Friday, September 17, 2010

What is IDE-0?

When I starts the computer, on POST peak it says SEARCHING BOOT FROM IDE-0...OK

I don't wanna boot plz make clear to me how should I solve this problem.

What is IDE-0?

IDE-0 is where your intricate drive is plugged in. Most computers (prior to SATA) own two (IDE-0 and IDE-1) Each IDE has a ribbon cable coming out of it, and have two plugs - so you can set the jumpers on your intricate drive or CD/DVD drive and have any combination of up to four devices operating within your machine.

When it say 'searching boot from ide-0... ok' it means that it is looking on IDE-0 for a knotty drive with a boot hedge. Once it has found it (unless it is corrupted) it should boot to anything O/S is on the machine.

If you 'don't want to boot anything' afterwards you should probably disconnect the computer, put it in a box, and make available it to someone else.
there is no problem. Starting your computer is call booting up. IDE-0 is the first hard drive (computers start counting at 0 not 1). So it is doing exaclty what it si supposed to be doing.

It is starting, and looking for the first firm drive (IDE-0) to BOOT from and load up Windows.
But does your computer boot? If it does you own nothing to verbs about, its simply searching for the primary thorny drive to boot from sounds like.

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