Friday, September 17, 2010

what is going on eBay?

I want to buy a illustrative card from ebay and some sellers write the size of the card like 128/ 512 mb or 256/512 mb, can any one describe me what they mean by that? because i dont infer its 128 mb or 512 mb.

what is going on eBay?

128 mb means you own 128 mega bites of memory it is capable of holding smaller quantity memory than the 512 mb so if you want to store more memory on the card buy the 512mb. that would be my advice
This is newly a guess but they may be saying that they enjoy both options for you. The best bet would be to message the salesperson asking what they mean by that.
The better suggestion is to shop at stores like You will find almost ALL the time, the final bid of the video card will be HIGHER after retail in a retail store. And if it happen to be cheaper, you will usually get a rude awakening by the peddler renigging on the deal as it doesn't "meet miminum bid".

All you hold to do is compare before you bid.
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