Friday, September 17, 2010

what is it to reboot?

what does it plan to reboot/

what is it to reboot?

turn ur pc stale and on or restart....go to start> turn sour computer> restart
Rebooting means restarting your computer.

When you start your computer, it "boots" up. If you re-boot, you restart it.

Old vocabulary: A hard- or cold-boot meant to completely shut the power bad to your computer (hitting the switch). A soft- or a warm-boot, meant to restart it lacking hitting the power switch (normal restart routine). Older computers used to have reset buttons that did freshly that.
Reboot - From on to off the PC, or restarting if an error occure or a bright hardware&software was installed. This funds it will refresh or update the system registry of your computer if you installed a trial program.
If your computer is not working properly while you are working on it, it could be a problem near device drivers, hardware or software.

Detailed instructions at

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