Friday, September 10, 2010

What is a devout watercooling system for my AMD system?

I have need of watercooling really bad for my system. It's too loud. I also inevitability to get a quieter power supply. I own never installed a watercooling kit , hence the principle I am asking this question. That mortal said, I built my own system so I am good next to my hands and can swot quickly. I am pretty meticulous roughly speaking handy work. So me installing it won't be an issue. I want a really good internal cooling gear that can connect to CPU, GPU, and chipset. Also, do they make kit for hard drives? I hear Thermaltake make good ones. Any suggestions? Here are my specs below:

AMD 3800+ Athlon 64

Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe

1 GB Geil Memory (I wanna transform to Hyper X Kingston)

6600GT Nvidia NForce 4

3 Seagate HDDs (each are 250GB)

Thermaltake Tsunami case

Power Supply is a form of loud one and I am considering the Power Supplies with the heatsink on the fund and no fans.

The din is driving me insane!!!!

What is a devout watercooling system for my AMD system?

dont water cool, Blizzard it. It's freezing nouns, water cool tend to crack, leak and.... zzzzzzzt (puff o' smoke my friend) hen rentalcars

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