Friday, September 10, 2010

What is a polite reliable computer parts store?

I know the those who customize computers must have a place to procure these parts. Is there anywhere on the lattice or a place I can get a catalog for hardware for PC's?

What is a polite reliable computer parts store?

Yes, Here are two that I use on a regular justification.
my favorite is that's where i grasp most of my stuff. i also go to my local Fry's store, but i dont know if you enjoy one of those around you, but they have a website too.

circuit city




Best Buy is a great place to budge for computer parts. i go in attendance all the time because my dad is a Geek Squad agent that works for best buy, and he's other fixing up and making his own computers.

best buy has great prices, also.
Tiger Direct have some pretty good prices and sturdy to find parts.
The 3 places I recommend are.

And last but not least possible, you Local privately owned PC store...

The owners will go out of their course to make sure you get hold of exactly what you need because they depend on return business.
all right ive recently done work experience at a computer builder/repair company and they use a stride called CCL in attendance website is (carnt remember which one) but they are reliable

hope this helped :D

I receive everything from here.
I like going to CompUSA. You can also try PCClub. Bestbuy and CircuitCity own good prices.
terminate a rental lease

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